Friday, July 2, 2010

IWIA Stampers 6-28-10 Shoebox Swap

It was really great to see the number of stampers that turned out for this shoebox swap. This month's theme was Patriotic cards or Red/White/Blue.

Here is the first table, Debbie T, April and Donna hard at work;

Donna was concentrating on getting those cards done!

So was April....

the back of Kelly Mc., Lynn He and Mary Helen... they were in the zone!

Crystal came to visit, Courtney (standing up) participated, Lynn Ha and Michele in the back looking at cards and Pam... Everyone stamping the night away...
Mary Helen showing her work...

Courtney's beautiful smile, having a great time;
Then Mary brought Morgan... our newest, youngest stamper... (3 weeks old... come on gals, we start 'em young! HHAHHAHAHAH!)

Here is Crystal with Morgan; Sorry Crystal... this was the best pic I had of the two of you... I love Morgan's expression... I couldn't help myself but to laugh. You are so sweet and nice, she looks like, Who the heck are you?
Here is Lynn talking to Morgan... Morgan looks like a baby bird;
Crystal talking to Mary Ham. YES... this is Mary.... she just had Morgan 3 weeks ago, and has already lost ALL of her baby weight and is in last summer's clothes. She is gorgeous!!!!
Donna couldn't help herself again and made not 1, not 2 but 4 cards for the swap;

Pam's card;

Debbie T's card;
April's card;

Lynn He's card;
Mary Helen's card;
Kelly Mc's card;

It was really great seeing everyone that could make it, and a couple of faces, Kim & Michele, who haven't been able to come for a few months. Always welcome ladies!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

This is why you SHOULD have come to IWIA's!!!!

Morgan Alexandra made her IWIA debut tonight!!! To a pretty empty crowd. Alice and I were there. Donna stopped by because she thought it was swap night, but found this little bundle of joy coming in with her mom. Then Lynn Ha called and I said MARY'S HERE WITH THE BABY!!! Ohhh you know she got up there right away.

So... without further adue.... Please welcome our newest and youngest stamper,
Morgan Alexandra Hamre;

I am the proud Stamp Aunt Linda... Lynn... thank you so much for taking the pics. Normally I'm the one taking all of the pics of the groups, but these are great.
Donna holding our precious little one.
Morgan sure was zonked;
Alice is holding her now. And she was still sleeping;

and still sleeping;

and still sleeping;

Lynn Ha adoring over her... Morgan is perfect, right down to the monkey toes... (had to be there!!!)

and she was still sleeping;

and I got her back in my hands. Mary looks absolutely amazing. Morgan slept the entire time they were there.

And guess what!!! Morgan won her first IWIA door prize...
And she kept sleeping.. bless her heart...
she didn't like the flash in this one. But she is going to keep mom or dad awake tonight, that's for sure.
And here is mom and Morgan. Doesn't Mary look amazing for having a baby, c-section no less, 2 weeks ago?!?!? Absolutely amazing.

Mary, love ya girlfriend!! you are an amazing mom. If you ever need anything, you know where I am. Besides, I think you have a lifetime of babysitters now... hahahha!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

5-17-10 IWIA Stampers Meeting

It's the end of the school year, and our attendance at the meetings have been quite slim. But those who do come, come prepared to work on their projects and win door prizes.

Mary Ham, yup... with 3 weeks to go until the little one is here, came. This is one of her projects from the CTMH Card Kits.

Alice came, and is typically scrappin' her heart out. But alas... she is succombing to the darkside and making cards. She did a really great job!!!
Rachel was working on gifts for the teachers in her children's school. Her children attend a school where the mascot is a bluebird.

And Rachel was also making these adorable baskets;
Tahh dahhhh... Here is Rachel showing off her masterpieces.

It is truly great to see everyone who comes. I know the Moose Lodge loves seeing us there. Please come and invite your friends and family to come along too!

Sketch Challenge Cards aka the April-Rachel Sketch Cards

HAHAHAHHA... I thought it would be a good idea to possibly put out a challenge to the stampers in the group. There are several 'templates' or sketches online, and we posed a monthly challenge. Those who accepted the challenge, their name would go into a drawing. One name will be chosen to take ALL of the cards made in the challenge. So far, April and Rachel seem to be the two in the running... Here are their cards....

I know this isn't very clear... but here was our first sketch challenge;
April's Card;

Rachel's card;
Here was our 2nd Sketch Challenge;
Rachel's card;
April's card;
May will be yet, another challenge.. I wonder if only April and Rachel will submit cards again??? HAHAHHAHAH!! Only time will tell...

Sorry for the delay!!!

When you look back at times in ones life, it makes me have such a happy heart to know it's filled with friends. The IWIA Stampers have become such good friends. These women have come together, some didn't know who each other was, and are so terrific and wonderful. The baby shower was so successful. I know Mary was so touched by everyone's participation. Thank you so much for your outpouring friendship.

From the left to right; Courtney(who is always such a huge help with the group), April, Pam, Mary K, Sarah (Courtneys Partner in Crime), Crystal and Lynn.
Mary getting ready to open her goodies;

OOOhhh the onlookers;

From left you can see Alice, Shawna, Carly, Donna and Lynn He.

Courtney, again, who is always so willing to help. Thank you so much Court!!!

Mary showing off the belly;

I just can not thank you all enough. The IWIA Stampers are not only talented stampers, but wonderful people and I'm so proud to have them as my friends!